Tag Archives: 2013


Yes, I’m still alive. Not dead as some might have presumed. Though I was dead to the world, locked up in my Vault all through November, clicking at my keyboard with a hunched back, trying to conquer my first ever NaNoWriMo.

The sad news: I failed, peaking at about 26,000 words only, not hitting the targeted 50,000.

The awesome news: I did learn a few things. And here they are:

  1. A truly passionate person can’t look sane to the passive: I know this because of those second glances I got throughout the November when people asked me what I was up to, and I went, “Trying to finish a novel in one month.”
  2. Art might not be seen as a discipline, but it requires major discipline: A person without discipline cannot commit to writing at least 1,600 words daily consistently for thirty days straight (Hey, call my indisciplined, but I’ll try again next year).
  3. The best motivation (not inspiration) comes from with-out, not within: When several people want to know whether your goal is being achieved or not, it puts you on your toes to deliver.
  4. We are often our own impossibility: Impossibility, though, comes from within. Most times, our not achieving set goals (especially in writing) is not to be blamed on external forces, but very present, snickering inside ones. The sooner we come to terms with this truth, the more we’ll see our dreams made reality.

So, December is still a writing month for me. I am excited to share with you my plans come 2014. It’s gonna be a great year for Mich fiction with some pretty big announcements.

…27 Days to go.

Festive Love

I welcome you all to the year 2013. This is my first post in this New Year, and no, it isn’t about writing. One of the things I told myself this year is that I wouldn’t draw up a list of resolutions that I have for 2013 coz, like it or not, I always fail at keeping every one of them. Funny enough, if you look at it another way, this year my resolution was not to make any resolutions, and for the first time ever, I’ve been able to keep my resolution ‘coz I didn’t draw any up.

What I do have for 2013 is a list of goals I would love to achieve. There is nothing wrong with setting goals, I just don’t like resolutions. I’m already working towards my goals for this year, and I hope to share my progress with you in future posts.

This post however tackles the dark side of the festive periods. It’s been one long time of celebration; Christmas and New Year. These periods wear a mask. A mask of love, caring, and sharing. In truth, that’s what it is all about. But under it all, I find, it is probably the easiest time of the year to harbor grief.

I’ll give you an example. Say you know someone who’s supposed to be a friend. The 25th of December comes. You send a “Merry Christmas” text. But get no reply. You know your pal got the message, so why didn’t he/she reply? This is why January is the month for pointing accusing fingers. “You didn’t send me a text,” or “you didn’t reply mine,” or “you didn’t call me.”

Perhaps it boils down to the fact that we all just want a little loving. It goes back to the gist of what these periods of celebration are about: love. Maybe we should all just learn to give each other the benefit of the doubt. I’m fantastic at doing that, giving people the benefit of the doubt. Some of us are just forgetful, and some of us are going through too much to remember such things. But either way don’t allow one person put you in a mood this New Year.

Love yourself, love others.

Again, Happy New Year from MiCH.


‘Tis the Season

It’s that time of the year again when the streets are decorated, and regardless of your location the temperature is lower than usual.
For me, it’s the ultimate relaxation time. So have a break, take a chill pill, hang with family and friends, and eat till you drop! (I didn’t say that).
But in all your eating, don’t forget we’re only celebrating because God gave us His best gift-His son.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance. The next time I post it’ll be 2013… Isn’t that cool.

See you next year!